Sunday, October 16, 2011

SLEEP MADNESS (also I wrote a song just now.)

Well folks, I am in the throes of SLEEP MADNESS. I have not slept in something like 40 hours, I worked 15 hours today (Went in before dawn, left after sunset. Horrible feeling.) and drank a dozen cups of coffee and smoked an entire pack of cigarettes on the clock. Despite this, I wrote a new song just now. It was one of those rare moments when I say "It is time to WRITE SOME MUTHAEFFIN' MUSIC!" And then I actually did it. One sitting, start to finish. This song is called Ordinary Things, and it was inspired by a lone pedestrian I saw walking along the side of the road at 9:30 PM on my way home from work. I wondered what he was doing out there, walking along the side of a high traffic area in the chilly October night wearing dark colored clothing. From there it extrapolated into the story of a completely different traveler. I am quite pleased with this song. It's definitely got Guided By Voices stamped all over it. Maybe I should stay up for two straight days and drink lots of coffee more often. It seems to have a positive effect on my songwriting. This brings the track list for "Where Will We Call Home Next?" to:

Menthol Memories
Artificial Euphoria
Burning Leaves
Another Bottle
When it Rains
In Your Car (Tuesday Night Rainstorm)
Baby Blue
Ordinary Things

Holy cow you guys that is TEN SONGS.  That's like, an album. Right there.

I think I'm gonna shoot for five more. Or maybe just wait until the end of the year and put everything I've written onto the disc, and release it the same day Guided By Voices puts out their new album. Maybe I will drive to Dayton, Ohio and stalk Robert Pollard and try to trade him my CD for his.

#thatiscreepy #thisisnottwitter #SLEEPMADNESS #goingtobed #forrealnow #therearetoomanyhashtagsonthispost #thathashtagwastoolong #sowasthatone #AAAHHICANTSTOP!
#goodnight #forserious #twelvewellnowthirteenhashtags #thirteenisunluckysoImadeafourteenthalsobecauseitismyfavoritenumber

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